Peer-reviewed manuscripts
Home modifications
Krauss MJ, Holden BM, Somerville E, Blenden G, Bollinger RM, Barker AR, McBride TD, Hollingsworth H, Yan Y, Stark SL. Community Participation Transition After Stroke (COMPASS) randomized controlled trial: Effect on adverse health events. Archives pf Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2024, 105(9): p. 1623-1631.
Krauss MJ, Somerville E, Bollinger RM, Chen S-W, Kehrer-Dunlap AL, Haxton M, Yan Y, Stark S. Removing home hazards for older adults living in affordable housing: A stepped wedge cluster-randomized trial. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 2023, 72(3): p. 670-681.
Stark S, Keglovits M, Somerville E, Hu Y, Barker A, Sykora D, Yan Y. Home hazard removal to reduce falls among community-dwelling older adults: A randomized clinical trial. JAMA Network Open, 2021, 4(8): p. e2122044.
Somerville E, Minor B, Keglovits M, Yan Y, Stark S. Effect of a novel transition program on disability after stroke: A trial protocol. JAMA Network Open, 2019, 2(10): p. e1912356.
Stark S, Somerville E, Keglovits M, Conte J, Li M, Hu YL, Yan Y. Protocol for the Home Hazards Removal Program (HARP) study: A pragmatic, randomized clinical trial and implementation study. BMC Geriatrics, 2017, 17(1): p. 90.
Stark S, Keglovits M, Arbesman M, Lieberman D. Effect of home modification interventions on the participation of community-dwelling adults with health conditions: A systematic review. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2017, 71(2): p. 7102290010p1-7102290010p11.
Somerville E, Smallfield S, Stark S, Seibert C, Arbesman M, Lieberman D. Occupational therapy home modification assessment and intervention. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2016, 70(5): p. 7005395010p1-7005395010p3.
Stark S, Somerville E, Keglovits M, Smason A, Bigham K. Clinical reasoning guideline for home modification interventions. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2015, 69(2): p. 6902290030p1-6902290030p8.
Stark SL, Somerville EK, Morris JC. In-Home Occupational Performance Evaluation (I–HOPE). American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2010, 64(4): p. 580-589.
Stark S. Creating disability in the home: The role of environmental barriers in the United States. Disability & Society, 2001, 16(1): p. 37-49.
Dashner J, Espín-Tello SM, Chen S-W, Hollingsworth H, Bollinger R, Morgan KA, Stark S. Influence of falls, fall-related injuries, and fear of falling on social participation in people aging with long-term physical disability: A cross-sectional study. Disability and Rehabilitation, 2024, 46(21), 4979-4987.
Clemson S, Stark S, Pighills AC, Fairhall NJ, Lamb SE, Ali J, Sherrington C. Environmental interventions for preventing falls in older people living in the community. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2023, 3(3):CD013258 .
Montero-Odasso M, van der Velde N, Martin FC, Petrovic M, Tan MP, Ryg J, Aguilar-Navarro S, Alexander NB, Becker C, Blain H, et al. World guidelines for falls prevention and management for older adults: A global initiative. Age and Ageing, 2022, 51(9): p. 1-36.
Bollinger RM, Keleman A, Thompson R, Westerhaus E, Fagan AM, Benzinger TL, Schindler SE, Xiong C, Balota D, Morris JC, Ances BM, Stark SL. Falls: A marker of preclinical Alzheimer disease: A cohort study protocol. BMJ Open, 2021. 11(9): p. e050820.
Keleman A, Wisch JK, Bollinger RM, Grant EA, Benzinger TL, Morris JC, Ances BM, Stark SL. Falls associate with neurodegenerative changes in ATN framework of Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 2020. 77(2): p. 745-752.
Flint J, Morris M, Nguyen AT, Keglovits M, Kling Somervile E, Hu Y-L, Stark SL. Fall Prevention Bingo: Effects of a novel community-based education tool on older adults’ knowledge and readiness to reduce risks for falls. American Journal of Health Education, 2019. 51(6): p. 406-412.
Kronzer V, Wildes T, Stark S, Avidan M. Review of perioperative falls. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 2016. 117(6): p. 720-732.
Wildes TM, Depp B, Colditz G, Stark S. Fall-risk prediction in older adults with cancer: An unmet need. Supportive Care in Cancer, 2016. 24(9): p. 3681-3684.
Kronzer VL, Jerry MR, Ben Abdallah A, Wildes TS, Stark S, McKinnon SL, Helsten DL, Sharma A, Avidan MS. Preoperative falls predict postoperative falls, functional decline, and surgical complications. EBioMedicine, 2016. 12: p. 302-308.
Kronzer VL, Tang RD, Schelble AP, Ben Abdallah A, Wildes TS, McKinnon SL, Sadiq F, Lin N, Helsten DL, Sharma A, Stark SL, et al. Preoperative falls and their association with functional dependence and quality of life. Anesthesiology, 2016. 125(2): p. 322-332.
Stark SL, Silianoff TJ, Kim HL, Conte JW, Morris JC. Tailored calendar journals to ascertain falls among older adults. OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health, 2015. 35(1): p. 53-59
Stark SL, Roe CM, Grant EA, Hollingsworth H, Benzinger TL, Fagan AM, Buckles VD, Morris JC. Preclinical Alzheimer disease and risk of falls. Neurology, 2013. 81(5): p. 437-443.
Bollinger RM, Krauss MJ, Somerville EK, Holden BM, Blenden G, Hollingsworth H, Keleman AK, Carter A, McBride TD, Barker AR, Yan Y, Stark SL. Rehabilitation transition program to improve community participation among stroke survivors: A randomized clinical trial. JAMA Network Open, 2024, 7(10), e2438319.
Putnam M, Morgan, KA, Hollingsworth H, Desai RH, Chen SW, Stark SL. Consistency of participation over time among persons with physical disability as measured by a tool designed for use among community-based organizations. Disability & Health Journal, 2024, 17(1).
Putnam M, Morgan K, Heeb R, Yan Y, Chen, SW, Stark SL. Aging with disability symptoms and ability to participate in, and satisfaction with, social participation among persons aged 45-65. Healthcare, 2022. 10(5): 903.
Morgan KA, Putnam M, Espin-Tello SM, Keglovits M, Campbell M, Yan Y, Wehmeier A, Stark S. Aging with long-term physical disability: Cohort analysis of survey sample in the U.S. [version 2: peer review: 2 approved, 1 approved with reservations]. F1000Research, 2022. 11: 68.
Minor B, Dashner J, Espín Tello S, Bollinger R, Keglovits M, Stowe J, Campbell M, Stark S. Development and implementation of a community-based research network. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, 2020. 4(6): p. 1-7.
Dashner J, Espin-Tello SM, Snyder M, Hollingsworth H, Keglovits M, Campbell ML, Putnam M, Stark SL. Examination of community participation of adults with disabilities: Comparing age and disability onset. Journal of Aging and Health, 2019. 31(10_suppl): p. 169S-194S.
Stark S, Keglovits M, Somerville E, Hu YL, Conte J, Yan Y. Feasibility of a novel intervention to improve participation after stroke. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2018. 81(2): p. 116-124.
DeLaney LM, Hu Y-L, Keglovits M, Somerville EK, Baum CM, Stark S. Predictors of engagement in home activities among community-dwelling older adults. Physical & Occupational Therapy In Geriatrics, 2016. 34(4): p. 205-220.
Yang H-Y, Stark SL. The role of environmental features in social engagement among residents living in assisted living facilities. Journal of Housing For the Elderly, 2010. 24(1): p. 28-43.
Stark S, Landsbaum A, Palmer JL, Somerville EK, Morris JC, Harvey A, Friedman DH. Client-centred home modifications improve daily activity performance of older adults. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2009. 76(1_suppl): p. 235-245.
Bufka LF, Stewart D, Stark S. The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) is emerging as the principal framework for the description of health and health related status. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2008. 75(3).
Gray DB, Hollingsworth HH, Stark S, Morgan KA. A subjective measure of environmental facilitators and barriers to participation for people with mobility limitations. Disability and Rehabilitation, 2008. 30(6): p. 434-457.
Stark S, Hollingsworth HH, Morgan KA, Gray DB. Development of a measure of receptivity of the physical environment. Disability and Rehabilitation, 2007. 29(2): p. 123-137.
Stark S. Removing environmental barriers in the homes of older adults with disabilities improves occupational performance. OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health, 2004. 24(1): p. 32-40.
Book chapters
Stark S, Sanford J, Keglovits M. Environmental performance enablers and their impact on occupational performance. In: Charles H. Christiansen, Carolyn M. Baum, Julie D. Bass (Eds), Occupational Therapy: Performance, Participation, and Well-Being, Fourth ed. Slack 2015.
Sanford J, Stark S. Universal design as a workplace accommodation strategy. In: Ingrid Soderback (Ed), The International Handbook of Occupational Therapy Interventions Second ed. Springer 2015.
Stark S, Somerville E, Russell-Thomas D. Choosing assessments for home modifications. In: Christenson M & Chase C (Eds), Occupational Therapy and Home Modifications: Promoting Safety and Supporting Participation. Bethesda, MD: American Occupational Therapy Association, 2011.
Stark S, Keglovits M. Critically Appraised Topic: Home Modifications. American Occupational Therapy Association, 2014.