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Centers and agencies that belong to the Missouri Aging and Disability Research Network
- Aging Ahead (Formerly Mid-East Area Agency on Aging)—An area agency on aging serving St. Louis, St. Charles and Jefferson Counties providing senior centers, education, transportation, meals and other resources.
- Mid-America Regional Council—An area agency on aging serving Cass, Clay, Jackson, Platte and Ray Counties providing in-home services, transportation, meals, legal aid and ombudsman.
- Oasis—A national education organization that promotes healthy aging through lifelong learning, active lifestyles and service. Offering stimulating programs in the arts, humanities, health, technology and volunteer service, Oasis brings people together to learn, lead and contribute in their communities.
- Paraquad—A center for independent living serving the St. Louis metropolitan area providing personal care attendant services, assistive technology, employment services, independent living services, and deaf and HOH services.
- Saint Louis Area Agency on Aging (SLAAA)—An area agency on aging serving St. Louis City providing home repairs, meal services, health and wellness classes, education, legal aid, case management, transportation and other resources.
- Missouri AgrAbility—A community agency that promotes success in agriculture and employment for people with disabilities or chronic health conditions. AgrAbility can help connect farmers with disabilities to agency services, perform assessments of a farm/ranch and recommend solutions, provide educational resources, and connect farmers with disabilities to a peer support network.
- Heartland Independent Living Center—A center for independent living serving Franklin, Gasconade and Maries counties providing mandated five core services, consumer-directed and in-home care services, adaptive equipment, a care closet, and dental assistance.
- SEMO Alliance for Disability Independence (SADI)—A center for independent living serving Perry, Cape Girardeau, Bollinger, Scott and Mississippi counties providing independent living services, employment services, assistive technology, transportation, personal care attendants, and deaf and HOH services.
- The Whole Person—A center for independent living serving Cass, Clay, Jackson and Platte Counties providing independent living skills training, individual and systems advocacy, information and referral, peer support, transition services/support, adaptive sports and deaf services/support.
- Disability Resource Association—A center for independent living serving Jefferson County and Metropolitan St. Louis and surrounding counties providing consumer-directed services, in-home services, transportation, assistive technology, housing assistance, low vision technology, ramps and home modifications, and support services.
- Empower: Abilities—A center for independent living serving Christian, Dallas, Greene, Lawrence, Polk, Stone, Taney and Webster Counties providing information and referral, peer support, independent living skills, and transitions services.
- Aging Best—An area agency on aging in Columbia, Mo., providing application assistance, disability resources, family caregiver support, respite, legal services, elder abuse resources, transportation services, home-delivered meals, and more.
- West-Central Independent Living Solutions—A center for independent living serving people of all ages, from children to older adults, with disabilities in Benton, Henry, Johnson, Lafayette, Pettis and Saline Counties. They offer five core services: information and referral, independent living skills, peer mentoring, advocacy, and transition services.
- St. Louis NORC—St. Louis NORC is a neighborhood program that supports healthy aging by providing opportunities for community involvement and access to support services for people aged 60 and over.
- Starkloff Disability Institute—Starkloff Disability Institute is a nonprofit organization based in St. Louis. It was founded by Max and Colleen Starkloff and David Newburger to break down society’s barriers for people with disabilities.